April 02, 2004
SIUC news events for April 5-11
News directors, editors and reporters covering Southern Illinois University Carbondale: To facilitate your planning for next week, here's a listing of events and activities scheduled on campus or that are University-related. We will provide these listings each Friday and are happy to help you arrange coverage.
Monday, April 5
Town meeting focusing on research, 3:30-5 p.m., Student Center Ballroom B. Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Dean John A. Koropchak will provide an overview of research efforts at SIUC and a short summary of his unit's overall strategic plan. Associate Dean David L. Wilson and Associate Vice Chancellor Prudence M. Rice also will make short presentations, and there will be a question-and-answer session.
Tuesday, April 6
Brown Bag Discussion Series, "The Model Minority," noon-1 p.m., Student Center Kaskaskia/Missouri rooms. Nima Patel, a research assistant in psychology, will lead this Asian Awareness Month discussion.
Wednesday, April 7
John R. Block, former secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and former director of the Illinois Department of Agriculture, 7:30 p.m., Hiram H. Lesar Law Building Auditorium. Block's appearance is sponsored by the Public Policy Institute and is part of the Gil and Jean Kroening Lecture Series. Block will be available for interviews at 2:45 p.m. at Stone Center on the SIUC campus.
"Growing up Other and Woman in the South," 7 p.m., Student Center Auditorium. This Asian Awareness Month presentation features Kiran Ahuja, national director of the National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum.
Thursday, April 8
Free poetry reading by Lee Ann Roripaugh, author of "Year of the Snake," followed by book signing, 8 p.m., Student Center Fourth Floor Video Lounge.
Friday, April 9
Iron Chef competition, 6:30 p.m., Quigley Hall, rooms 212 and 214. Teams of SIUC students will compete in a campus version of the popular television program. An Asian Awareness Month event.