March 26, 2004
Research Week highlights scholarly, creative work
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- In keeping with Southern Illinois University Carbondale's long-range goal of becoming one of the nation's top 75 research schools, the campus will spotlight a broad spectrum of scholarly and creative work in its first Research Week, beginning Monday, March 28.
Participants range from high school students to faculty members. Here's a brief roundup of the week's events.
Sunday, March 28
- 1-3 p.m., Rickert-Ziebold (art) competition open house displaying all works entered, Glove Factory.
- 7-7:30 p.m., Illinois Junior Science and Humanities Symposium opening session, Student Center Auditorium.
- 7:30 p.m., Illinois Junior Science and Humanities Symposium keynote address by forensic scientist Richard Saferstein, Student Center Auditorium.
- 8:30-11 a.m., Illinois Junior Science and Humanities Symposium research paper presentations, Student Center Auditorium.
- 1-3:30 p.m., Undergraduate Research Forum poster session; award presentations follow at 3:30 p.m., all in the Student Center Ballrooms.
- 2:30-4:30 p.m., Sigma Xi faculty and student research and creative projects, Student Center Ballrooms.
- 3-4:30 p.m., Illinois Junior Science and Humanities Symposium poster session, Student Center Ballrooms A and B.
- 3:30 p.m., Rickert-Ziebold competition winners announced, Glove Factory (award presentations will take place Friday, April 9, during a reception at the University Museum).
- Display of architecture students' models and plans for a campus performing/visual arts center (through Friday, April 2), University Museum.
- 7:30 p.m., Philosophical Collaborations Conference with SIUC faculty and graduate students/scholars and counterparts at other regional research universities, Dunn-Richmond Economic Development Center.
- 4 p.m., Graduate and Professional Student Council's first "Nostram Bucinam Canimus" conference (Latin for "We blow our own horn") welcome and presentations, Student Center Mississippi Room.
- 9 a.m., Philosophical Collaborations Conference continues, Dunn-Richmond Economic Development Center.
- 4 p.m., "Nostram Bucinam Canimus" conference continues with presentations, Student Center Mississippi Room.
- 4-7 p.m., University Museum 130th anniversary reception, University Museum/Faner Hall.
- 11 a.m., "Nostram Bucinam Canimus" conference continues with display of arts and readings (through 9 p.m.), Student Center Missouri Room.
- 3 p.m., "Nostram Bucinam Canimus" conference presentations, Student Center Video Lounge.
- Rickert-Ziebold winners exhibit, University Museum.