January 16, 2004
Upcoming seminar addresses sport-related concussion
CARBONDALE, Ill. --"New Developments in the Evaluation of Sport-Related Concussion" is the topic of a seminar for coaches, athletic trainers, physical education instructors, physicians and other health-care providers set for 1:30-3:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 23, at the Southern Illinois University Carbondale Student Center.
SIUC's Sports Medicine Office and Student Health Programs, the School of Medicine and Marshall Browning Hospital in Du Quoin are joint sponsors of the program.
Keynote speaker is Dr. Micky Collins, assistant director of the sports concussion program at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. He has been a sports concussion consultant for several NFL teams including the Pittsburgh Steelers, Philadelphia Eagles and Green Bay Packers, Major League Baseball umpires, New Zealand Rugby Union, Indianapolis Racing League, various colleges and universities, and the National Federation of High Schools.
Collins and his colleagues developed a comprehensive approach to explore, understand, prevent and treat injuries associated with severe blows to the head or neck. He will discuss early recognition of signs of injury, safe return-to-play decisions, and new research about recovery from concussion.
Others participating are Dr. James Pavlovich, pediatrician at the Carbondale Clinic; Tim Davis, certified athletic trainer for Du Quoin High School; and Dennis Snepp, varsity football coach at Belleville West High School.
Professional development credits are available for Illinois certified athletic trainers, licensed physicians and physician assistants. The School of Medicine is designating this educational activity for a maximum of two category 1 credits toward the AMA Physicians Recognition Award.
To register in advance, call Pam Logan, director of marketing and development at Marshall Browning Hospital, 618/542-2146, ext. 433; John Massie, director of SIUC sports medicine, 618/453-1292; or Jana Kuhnert, seminar coordinator, 618/496-5625. Checks for the $5 registration should be made payable to SIUC Sports Medicine Office.