Accomplishments - April, 2017

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Ruopu Li, Geography and Environmental Resources, is one of 36 early career scholars and graduate students selected to attend the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science’s first summer school at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 15-20. The focus is on “Collaborative Problem Solving with CyberGIS and Geospatial Data Science.”  

Guangxing Wang, Geography and Environmental Resources, has been awarded a four-year research grant from the U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory titled “Multi-Source and Multi-Scale Data Analysis and Quality Assessment for Mapping and Dynamically Monitoring Permafrost Vulnerability for the Installations of Alaska.”  The four-year grant is for $159,489, with a first-year total of $38,119.

Leslie Duram, Geography and Environmental Resources, received the Donald Q. Innis Award for Research Excellence at the American Association of Geographers annual meeting, April 9, in Boston, Mass. The Innis Award is given for excellence in research related to agricultural and food geographies.  

Jiyong Lee, School of Art and Design was invited to a special exhibition “Meister der Moderne/Modern Masters” during the International Trade Fair 2017, March 8-14, in Munich, Germany. Lee was awarded the Bavarian State Prize with a gold medal for his “Orange cylinder segmentation” one of his exhibited works. 

Marie Bukowski, School of Art and Design, is among the featured artists exhibiting her work from the series “Sensing Terrains” as part of a group exhibition, “Collage Mash Up.” The exhibit is at the Edwardsville Arts Center through April 21.

Wanli Zhao, Finance, is co-author of two recent research papers accepted for publication. His paper, “CEO Confidence and Unreported R&D” was accepted at the journal “Management Science.” Another paper, “Audit Office Reputation Shocks from Gains and Losses of Major Industry Clients” has been accepted in the journal, “Contemporary Accounting Research.” Publication dates are still being determined.

Mingqing Xiao, Mathematics, has been invited as a keynote speaker at the “Symposium on Interdisciplinary Computing and Optimization,” July 21-25, in Ballarat, Australia. The international conference is supported by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the International Society of Global Optimization and Federation University Australia.

Thomas Fagerholm, Theater, recently gave a presentation, “Turning Heads: Automation on a Budget,” to the Southeastern Theater Conference, in Lexington, Ky.  Fagerholm’s work on automation was also selected and published at the United States Institute of Technology (USITT) national conference in the biennial Tech Expo book and has been selected as one of five selected articles for publication in the quarterly journal “TD&T Theater Design & Technology.”

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