April 23, 2018

Several campus offices relocating to Woody Hall

With a focus on efficiency, several primary business offices on campus will be relocating into areas within Woody Hall over the next month.

Procurement Services started moving to B wing fourth floor on April 18 and the transition is expected to be complete by Tuesday, April 24. Staff in Accounting Services, meanwhile, will start their move also to B wing, fourth floor, no later than May 1. That move is expected to take three or four days.

Human Resources will begin moving in mid-May to the area within Woody Hall formerly occupied by the Bursar’s office. There will be more specifics later regarding the move of Employment Services. It is anticipated that Civil Service testing will not be offered for a short period in May, but the exact days are not yet set, said Judith Marshall, executive director of administration and finance.

Telephone numbers for each of the offices will remain the same with the moves.

In addition, the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research recently moved to the third floor of Woody Hall B wing, next to the Office of Sponsored Projects Administration. The reception area is Woody Hall 351 and the main office telephone number is 453-5289.

“We look forward to having the primary business offices under one roof,” Marshall said. “We have planned the use of the new space with efficiencies in mind, including sharing a conference room and training room. We will also have a shared reception area for accounting and procurement services.”

Wakeland, Thalman and Miles halls, all along Greek Row, will remain vacant. The area may be used for student housing in the future, Marshall said.