November 10, 2017
SIU students, professional journalists to discuss crisis reporting
CARBONDALE, IL — Past and current students from the SIU School of Journalism and experts in the field of crisis reporting and multimedia journalism will present their work at a symposium Nov. 15 in the Communications Building at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
The School of Journalism and the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, based in Washington, D.C., are sponsoring the free event.
The College of Mass Communication and Media Arts’ partnership with the center gives students the opportunity to report on global issues through reporting fellowships. MCMA has been part of the center’s Campus Consortium since its launch in January 2009. There are now 37 consortium members.
Symposium Schedule
The symposium will begin with San Francisco-based independent journalist Jeanne Carstensen presenting “Reporting on the Global Refugee Crisis.”
Carstensen’s presentation, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Studio A, focuses on her work covering the refugee crisis in Greece in 2015 and 2016. Carstensen travelled across Aegean islands, Turkish and Macedonian borders and visited refugee camps.
At 2 p.m., Jordan Roth, the Pulitzer Center’s multimedia coordinator, will present “Visual Storytelling and Reaching New Audiences.”
At 3 p.m., two former Pulitzer student fellows from SIU will present their international multimedia projects. Both afternoon presentations are in the Communications Building, Room 1032.
About the student presenters
Jessica Edmond, a graduate student in Mass Communication and Media Arts from Diehlstadt, Mo., investigated the cultural phenomena in Ghana of women bleaching their skin to gain a lighter complexion.
Steve Matzker, Murphysboro, a two-degree alumnus, worked on a series and documentary involving water rights on the Koshi River in Nepal while a student. Matzker recently earned his master’s degree in professional media management with a specialization in digital documentary practices. He earned his bachelor’s degree in photojournalism.
Morgan Timms, a May 2017 photojournalism graduate from Brisbane, Australia. She traveled to western Australia to examine the cultural and historical factors causing high suicide rates of Aboriginal youth. She may be presenting by video.
A fourth student, Ryan Michalesko, a junior in journalism from Carbondale, will be in Puerto Rico working on his project – reporting on the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria in September. He may also present by video.