October 10, 2016
Online ethics training starts Oct. 17
Mandatory online 2016 ethics training for all permanent SIU faculty, staff, and graduate assistants takes place Oct. 17 – Nov. 8 on the training website: https://slate.workplaceanswers.com/uillinois/.
Please note, student workers and extra help employees will be required to complete the offline training program as part of their annual ethics training requirement for 2016. See Interim Chancellor Brad Colwell’s notice to the campus here
To log in, enter your user ID, which is a combination of your name and the month and day of your birthday (for example, the user ID for John L. Smith, who was born June 5 is, JohnLSmith0605). The default password is ethics#123. You will be prompted to change the password on your first login. If you encounter technical problems accessing the training, contact the Help Desk immediately at 618/453-5155.
If you have questions about ethics training, please contact your campus ethics training administrator, Monica Raines, mraines@siu.edu, 618/453-2474 or if you have an ethics issue please contact the university ethics officer, Michelle Taylor, Executive Director of Compliance and Ethics, 618/536-3461, mtaylor@siu.edu, at the system office. For more information, go to the SIU Ethics website at http://ethics.siu.edu/.