August 29, 2016

SIU Ethics Office is available to assist

The University Ethics Office is available to provide leadership on ethics-related matters and ethical behavior in the workplace at SIU.

The office’s goal is to advance and protect the university’s mission and assist in creating an ethical working and learning environment for everyone. Responsibilities of the university’s ethics officer include:

  • Developing and/or administering annual ethics training.
  • Reviewing the Statement of Economic Interests forms for officers and certain other employees.
  • Providing guidance on the interpretation and implementation of the State Officials and Employee Ethics Act.

University employees are subject to the Ethics Act. The act addresses such as areas as prohibited political activity, gift bans, revolving door, and ethics training. For questions related to ethics training, contact the campus’ ethics training representative, Monica Raines, at or 453-2474.

Employees who have any other ethics-related questions or believe the Ethics Act has been violated, may contact the university system Ethics Office at or 536-3461. Individuals wishing to remain anonymous may use the toll free hotline at 844/597-6463.