March 10, 2016

Grant-writing workshop set for April 8

CARBONDALE, Ill. -- A one-day workshop to gain the essential skills needed in writing a grant proposal is set next month at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. 

The “Beginning Grant Writing” workshop will be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., April 8, in Rehn Hall, Room 17, which is a computer lab. Presented by Cindy Johnson and Kim Guetersloh with Noble Sutton, LLC., the workshop will includes tips for ensuring grant compliance, improving chances of grant success and grant-writing trends. Participants will learn about the application process – from planning stages and research to developing and writing winning proposals. There will also be an opportunity for participants to discuss and share their grant writing concerns and fears. 

The workshop is for local community members, teachers and educators, and university faculty and staff. The fee is $175 person. Registration information is available at