February 15, 2016
CAStLE sessions set for spring semester
Conversations About Student Learning and Engagement (CAStLE) are scheduled for the spring 2016 semester.
CAStLE is a professional learning community for curricula and co-curricular faculty and staff to meet to share ideas, successes, and struggles related to student learning and engagement and assessment. Meetings will be from noon to 1 p.m., the first Thursday and third Wednesday of each month during the spring semester. The meetings will be in Morris Library, rooms 752 and 754.
April Haar, an instructor in curriculum and instruction will lead the first CAStLE event for the semester on Wednesday, Feb. 17.
Meeting dates, topics and presenters are:
- Wednesday, Feb. 17 -- “Classroom Engagement Strategies,” April Haar, instructor, Office of Teacher Education.
- March 3 – “Educating the Whole Student: Fact or Fiction,” Elaine Jurkowski, professor, School of Social Work and Elizabeth Scally, associate director, University Housing.
- March 23 – “AAC&U’s Best Practices in Learning Outcomes Assessment,” Christie McIntyre, chair, curriculum and instruction.
- April 7 – “Student Engagement in Lab-based Science Courses,” Andrew Wood, professor, plant biology.
- April 20 – “SIU Advantage,” Deborah Barnett, coordinator, Non-Traditional Student Services and Heather Brake, coordinator, Student Involvement.
- May 5 – “Come together and share best student engagement and assessment strategies.” Roundtable discussion. Moderator: Sharon Walters, assistant director, Assessment and Program Review.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Sharon Walters, assistant director, Assessment and Program Review at 453-5669 or by email.