January 04, 2012

Faculty, staff welcome at Jan. 12 workshop

by Christi Mathis

CARBONDALE, Ill. -- Sometimes we hear the words coming out of our mouths with surprise because it certainly wasn’t what we intended to say.

Effective communication is essential to good leadership.  Likewise, so is knowing when to use various leadership styles.  That’s the message of “Conducting a Leadership Symphony:  Shifting Keys,” a Jan. 12 workshop at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. 

The presentation from Labor and Employee Relations will be from 9:30 to 11 a.m. at the Student Health Center Auditorium.  All campus faculty and staff are welcome to attend the event.

According to Carol Fisher, workforce learning and development officer, it is important for leaders and employees to partner together, communicating and handling tasks in such a way to achieve maximum results and help all involved meet their goals.  The workshop will highlight leadership styles, directive and maintenance behavior, development levels and more. 

Those attending may RSVP in advance by emailing Fisher at cefisher@siu.edu or just register at the door.