May 01, 2007

Young Writers Workshop set for June 27-30

by Chase Goble

CARBONDALE, Ill. -- The ninth annual Young Writers Workshop will be held June 27-30 at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

This four-day workshop is designed to give high school sophomores, juniors and seniors the chance to explore their talents in poetry or prose writing. Students will hone their writing skills by participating in daily critique sessions led by SIUC faculty and by attending panels, readings and craft discussions led by SIUC creative writing faculty and graduate students.

The resident/overnight camp fee is $250 and includes three nights lodging, all meals and materials. Commuter camp fee is $200 and includes lunch, dinner and materials.

A medical release form must be submitted to the SIUC Division of Continuing Education prior to the camp for a participant to attend.

Camp enrollment is limited. To register or for more information, contact the Division of Continuing Education at 618/536-7751 or visit our web site at